MAE + GASTRONOMY. Gastronomic Universes in Matimex

MAE + GASTRONOMY. Gastronomic Universes in Matimex

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MAE + GASTRONOMY. Gastronomic Universes in Matimex

The next day March 8 Matimex starts its program of events 2018 with a day dedicated to the relationship between architecture, design and gastronomy. An event divided into three thematic interrelated blocks, which will provide a multidisciplinary, enriching and critical view to the attendees.

The event will be conducted and moderated by Carmen Baselga, Valencian interior designer expert in gastronomic issues.

In the "PROJECTS" block, we will listen to Rubén Picado and María José de Blas, from the Picado de Blas studio, authors of the design of the "Yakitoro" restaurant, the Mercado de Vallehermoso or the Portal de Echaurren of Francis Paniego. In the block called "DIALOGOS", we will present a vis a vis between creators: client-chef vs. architect-designer, which will allow us to discern how the materialization of the culinary universe is gestated in a space, in a representative atmosphere and coherent with the spirit of the kitchen. Ricardo Sanz, executive chef of Grupo Kabuki, with four Michelin stars, will speak with Maurice Sainz, architect of MsDesign, author of Kabuki Wellington; Ramón Esteve, Valencian architect of international projection, will speak with Tono Pastor of his Bouet project. We will finish the morning with a debate of all the speakers with topics that the attendees of the event will be able to propose.

After enjoying a meal in the Matimex showroom, we will dedicate the afternoon to the third block "REFLECTIONS" with the conferences of two design greats: Santos Bregaña, author of Mugaritz, the interior design of Nerua and Bistro Guggenheim restaurants and collections in porcelain present in the best hotels in the world and we will finish with Martín Azúa, a Basque designer based in Barcelona,

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