Eva Fuensanta Román and María Amparo Martorell, students from UPV, choose ACTIVE for their project.

It started with the phone call to two students from Universitat Politécnica de Valencia to Matimex

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Eva Fuensanta Román and María Amparo Martorell, students from UPV, choose ACTIVE for their project.

All started with the phone call from two students from Universitat Politécnica de Valencia to Matimex; This University is public and it is organised in 9 high schools, 2 departments and 2 high polytechnic schools, it has headquarters in Gandía and Alcoy.

They said us that they had to do a work of which objective was the research about an innovator material. With the help from teachers and their effort, they saw the aim: ceramics with finishes ACTIVE.

The collaboration from Matimex with Eva and María was centred in offer all information about ACTIVE, just like giving a sample from product, a piece 75x150 cm.

The students explain us that the process consist in doing a document together with the execution of a panel with an explanation back about the product in a stand from the UPV, where the assistants are: enterprises, teachers and students. They said us the possibility to showing the panel in Cevisama 2017.

The panel contained this information:
ACTIVE definitionProperties and advantages from ACTIVEProduction technicalTransport, support tools, manipulation, etc.PlacingTools and technical of placingRegulations, certificates, ecological trace and application
The preparation of the stand in UPV consist in the presentation of the piece; and of showing videos in order to assistants knowing the project and the product.

ACTIVE is a ceramic competent for pavement and facing compound with raw materials how feldspar and quartz. It is a photocatalytic product, that is, with the light action and relative humidity be reduce the ions from organic and inorganic components.

t is a certificate material by ISO rules. ISO 10678:2010, ISO 27448-1:2008, ISO 27447:2009, ISO 22197:2008.

Among the properties to ACTIVE we can know that it is a product anti-pollution, antibacterial, self-cleaning and anti-odour.

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