On Thursday, 4th of June at 15:00h Matimex will make the 1st Workshop M.A.E.
in its installations (Almazora – Castellon), with the name: “The new technologies for the future constructions”.
An attractive working day where it will be explained and discussed different aspects: photocatalytic ceramic, facades systems, big ceramic tiles and European Sustainability projects.
It will be a time dedicated for architects, designers, interior designers and all professionals interested in this field and who want learned by the most advanced technology applied to ceramics and belonging to our Gruppo.
Valentino Capucci, responsible to I+D+I from Gruppo Fiandre Iris Ceramica, Claudia L.
Bianchi, from Milan University, Marta Castellote and Teresa Moreno, from the European project LIFE, they will be the speakers in the event, among others.
They will discuss about the innovative technologies associated with the ceramic and the sustainability.
AS well as, there will be a practical showing, about the laying from big ceramic tiles.
Matimex, always attentive to the last novelties from Gruppo Fiandre Iris Ceramica, concerned with the environment and interested with the new objectives, has created, recently, its new showroom: “M.A.E.”. A place from 1.000 m2 created for offer solutions and where you can live a positive experience of new concept from “skin ceramic” and discover the photocatalytic ceramic.