Matimex participates in renewing the image of an important group of restaurants and food.

Distributed all over the Spanish territory, this famous coffee shop chain wanted to get even closer to the citizens of today, changing its previous image by a comfortable and modern environment.

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Matimex participates in renewing the image of an important group of restaurants and food.

Distributed all over the Spanish territory, this famous coffee shop chain wanted to get even closer to the citizens of today, changing its previous image by a comfortable and modern environment.In this new look predominates the environmental commitment; for this, it is used natural materials in the decoration and sustainable ceramic products on theirs floors. The use of this kind of elements seems to be being almost essential for any project with green seal.The Group has trusted in the ceramic products of Matimex to cover the floors; being KREO collection, belonging to IRIS, the chosen collection to enhance its styling.In line with the Vintage style of the new establishments, tile pieces from this collection are combined freely using two warm colors: Grey and White, in 30cmx30cm format, thus setting an original Patchwork composition.

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