Zambrano Hellion Medical Centre, México. Architecture which is involved with the Environment.

Zambrano Hellion Medical Centre (CMZH), opened the 9th of January by Mexican President Felipe Calderón, represents a perfect balance between contemporary architecture and sustainable constructions.

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Zambrano Hellion Medical Centre, México. Architecture which is involved with the Environment.

Zambrano Hellion Medical Centre (CMZH), opened the 9th of January by Mexican President Felipe Calderón, represents a perfect balance between contemporary architecture and sustainable constructions.The architectural design of this Medical Centre, led by Architects Legorreta + Legorreta, has three towers: the central tower with 11 floors, the eastern tower which houses institutes and west tower which houses the School of Medicine and Science of the Health.The building is the largest Medical Centre in Latin America, solely overcamed by few hospitals in USA.The materials supplied by Domus Italica for the sustainable construction of this magnificent building, our subsidiary in Mexico, reaches the quantity of 20.000m2 of GEOS System ventilated facade with technological stone IRIS-FMG. The reduction of the energy consumption of this building is due unavoidable to the design of its facade.Emphasize that wall covering has been exclusively customized for this building. A challenge for IRIS-FMG company which joined efforts with Legorreta`s Office to achieve, with their technological stone, the same feel and colour that the stone itself devised.

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